Monday, January 6, 2020
The Death And The Afterlife Essay - 1675 Words
Nearly everything could be represented by a god or goddess. Death and the afterlife was represented by Osiris. Aten and Ra were sun gods. The Egyptians felt that they needed to pray and build temples for these gods and goddesses to stay in their favor. These gods were believed to control everything, and if the Egyptians pleased them they would be rewarded. They worshipped their gods by making offerings. They would leave flowers and food in temples to show their respect. Commoners were not often allowed in temples. Priests had plenty of power because the gods were often feared. Most Egyptians did not actually love the gods, but feared their wrath. Commoners could occasionally attend ceremonies. At these ceremonies animals were often sacrificed. Ancient Egyptians believed that if they lived a good life that they would be allowed to live in a paradise in death. When an Egyptian would die, they would be mummified. Properly burying and preserving the body was very important because they believed that the soul would not actually disconnect from the body. Organs deemed important were put in jars and buried with the body. The heart was left inside the body. Once the body was cured in preserving solutions, it was then wrapped in linen cloths. Rich individuals were buried in temples with their most prized possessions. A priest would pray to Anubis for the dead to help them on their journey. Unfortunately, looting of tombs became common place in the destruction of historicalShow MoreRelatedDeath and the Afterlife Essay593 Words  | 3 PagesDeath and the Afterlife A/ Muslims believe in Akhirah. This is the belief that there is eternal life after death in either Heaven (paradise) or Hell. To reach either Hell or Heaven Muslims believe they must cross the Assirat Bridge. While crossing the Assirat Bridge Allah passes his judgement on your soul. 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