Sunday, May 17, 2020
Life Cycle of the Sperm and Egg Essay examples - 1351 Words
This is a story about Spike and Edna and how they created new life. Spike is a sperm that is very excited about his day. Edna is an egg that feels like the luckiest egg ever. Spike and Edna both feel lucky because they were chosen for fertilization today. Spike and Edna are going to fertilize by combining together to create a new life. Edna has been waiting for this day since she was created in Katie’s ovaries while she was just a fetus. Edna was not the only egg created while Katie was a fetus. Edna is just one of five million other eggs but today is Edna’s lucky day. Today Edna has been chosen especially for fertilization. Spike has also been one of many to be chosen to participate in fertilization. Spike is just one of 500 million sperm†¦show more content†¦Edna has waited a very long time for this day. Even though Spike is only a couple of months old, Edna is 23 years old just like Katie. You see, Edna was created inside of Katie when she was just a fetus. Edna is so very excited because none of her 183 that have left already have had the opportunity to be fertilized and there are still 216 other eggsthat could be fertilized. You see when an egg is ready to be fertilized, it is called ovulation and only 400 of Katie’s 500 thousand eggs will get the opportunity to ovulate. Edna learned that ovulation is a grand experience that happens within a matter of a minute or two. Ovulation is when Edna the egg (aka ovum) is released from Katie’s ovary (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus, 2007, p. 86). What happens is a small part of Katie’s follicle that faces her abdomen bursts and a fluid runs out which is full of millions of cells. Amongst all of these cells is Edna and the cells with her provides nourishment for her. Now that Edna is ready to experience ovulation, Katie’s fallopian tubes are getting signals that they should get ready for Edna to come on down. Edna has experienced ovulation now and is beginning to trav el down Katie’s fallopian tubes. Little fingers-like tubules caught Edna as she started down the fallopian tubes. Edna decides to hang out in Katie’s fallopian tubes and get herself ready to meet up with Spike to create another person. Now that Katie is ready, she is waiting for Spike to come throughShow MoreRelatedThe Development of the Egg and Sperm884 Words  | 4 PagesThe Development Of the Egg and Sperm your name PSY/265 May 20, 2012 Nicole Pansey The sperm and the egg are the key to reproduction. Without the sperm fertilizing the egg there would no reproduction. They both start off in very different places and in different ways but come together to create a life. 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